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AECT Standard 5: Research

S.5.1. Theoretical Foundations

Game Design Proposal


The purpose of this assignment was to write a description of a game relating to either behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. In a collaborative effort we developed instructions and necessary materials for a game played with elementary students. I chose this particular artifact to represent standard 5.1 because it demonstrates my ability to use foundational knowledge of research and current theories in educational technology. 



Spring 2017

S.5.3. Assessing/


Objective Test


The purpose of this assignment was to create an objective test that measured learning material that was covered in a classroom over a two week period. In the process of generating this test I developed a test purpose and 19 test items. I chose this particular artifact to represent standard 5.3 because it demonstrates my ability to apply formal assessment strategies and evaluate the process of developing an objective test. A skill I learned during this assignment was how to create a test blue print and discover my own SME. The two SMEs were used to revise the test items I designed.



Fall 2017

S.5.4. Ethics

Research in Distance Education


The purpose of the assignment was to generate research about distance education today and to find weaknesses or conflicts in the research studies. I chose this particular artifact to represent standard 5.4 because it demonstrates my ability to conduct research using peer reviewed studies from the college library website. From this assignment I learned how to organize research studies so that I was able to defend my findings. 




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